Plot2, a scientific 2D plotting program for OS X.

Available Features:
ASCII, Binary, MySQL and Perl based import filterPDF, EPS, JPG, PNG, ASCII export
macro programming language with ~220 built in commands
Perl based scripting
subviews, automatic legend plotting, inline images
X and Y error bars (absolute, relative and from data)
expression parsing with with ~60 built in functions
spreadsheet like data editor
lines, symbols, grids, bars, filled areas, sticks, dots, histograms, error bars
fft smooth, least square smooth, spline interpolation
differentiation, integration and FFT, background subtraction
least square regression (linear, logarithmic, exponential)
normalizing, data moving, data calculations, function generator
four independent x and y axis (linear, logarithmic, time)
flexible automatic axis labeling and free defined axis labels
easy navigation, zoom and scale etc.
text and graphics objects, copy&paste, drag&drop
There is also a syntax mode for Coda2 available: Plot2-Daviz.mode.zip
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