Wetter is an app which draws beautiful meteograms. A meteogram is a time plot that uses data for a specific location on the ground. It can display past weather conditions up to the current time forecast and predict weather out into the future.
data from two weather forecast models (DWD ICON and NOOA GFS)data for every place on the world
Wetter is free of charge, no subscription, no in app purchases
10 day forecast data
14 day history data
netatmo integration
zoom and slide
display temperature, rain prediction, cloud cover, humidity, CAPE, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, dew point, KP index
the location can be selected from a database with ~500000 entries
or the location can be selected from the map
or your current location can be used
you can maintain a favorite list
you can share the meteograms via email
Download Wetter for iPad from AppStore:

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